About Journal

The Scientific Journal of Public Health Management aims to publish high-quality research and scholarly articles in the field of public health management. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to public health policies, strategies, and practices aimed at improving population health outcomes and well-being. Here are some potential content areas that the journal may focus on:

Health Policy and Governance: Articles exploring the development, implementation, and evaluation of health policies, strategies, and interventions at local, national, and international levels. This can include studies on health policy analysis, health systems strengthening, health equity, and health governance.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Research on interventions, programs, and policies aimed at promoting healthy behaviors, preventing diseases, and reducing risk factors. Topics may include health education, health communication, community-based interventions, and population health promotion.

Health Services Management and Delivery: Articles focusing on the organization, management, and delivery of healthcare services, including healthcare financing, resource allocation, quality improvement, health information systems, and health workforce management.

Epidemiology and Surveillance: Studies on the monitoring, surveillance, and control of diseases, outbreaks, and public health emergencies. This may include research on epidemiological methods, disease surveillance systems, outbreak investigations, and modeling of disease spread.

Environmental and Occupational Health: Articles exploring the impact of environmental factors and occupational hazards on public health. This can include studies on environmental risk assessment, occupational health and safety, environmental exposures, and interventions to mitigate environmental and occupational health risks.

Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health: Research examining the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health disparities and inequities. This can include studies on social determinants of health, health inequalities, health equity interventions, and policies addressing health disparities.

Health Program Evaluation and Impact Assessment: Articles focusing on the evaluation of public health programs, interventions, and policies to assess their effectiveness, efficiency, and impact on population health outcomes. This may include research on evaluation methodologies, program implementation science, and evidence-based decision making.

Global Health and Health Systems Strengthening: Studies on public health challenges and interventions in global health contexts. This can include research on global health governance, health system strengthening in low-resource settings, cross-border health issues, and health policy transferability.

Please submit your article: public.health@srohams.com